Wastemaster vs Camco RV Sewer Hose

Written by Jim & Korin

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Wastemaster RV waste hose and Camco are both popular brands of RV sewer hoses that are designed to make emptying your RV’s holding tank easy and efficient. While both brands have their own unique features and benefits, there are some differences between them that may make one more suitable for your needs than the other.

features a helical coil design that makes it flexible and crush-resistant, allowing it to be easily maneuvered and avoid damage from heavy foot traffic or other obstacles. It also has a bayonet fitting that locks securely onto the RV’s waste outlet, ensuring a leak-free connection. Wastemaster RV waste hose is also made from a high-quality material that is resistant to punctures and abrasions, making it more durable and long-lasting.

Camco sewer hoses, on the other hand, come in a variety of lengths and have a lug fitting that twists and locks securely onto the RV’s waste outlet. They are also made from a heavy-duty material that is resistant to kinks and leaks, and many models come with additional features such as a clear elbow or a 4-in-1 adapter that can be used to connect to different types of sewer connections.

Ultimately, the choice between Wastemaster RV waste hose and Camco may come down to personal preference and the specific needs of your RV. If you’re looking for a durable and long-lasting hose that is easy to maneuver, Wastemaster may be the better choice. If you need a hose with more length options and additional features, Camco may be the way to go. Both brands have a solid reputation for quality and reliability, so you can’t really go wrong with either option.

We use the Wastemaster Hose and while it’s more expensive initial purchase, the durability for full time RV living is superior to a regular hose.

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