Top 10 Items for a New RV

Written by Jim & Korin

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Are you a new RV owner looking for essential items to equip your rig? Look no further! Here are the top ten must-have items for your new RV.

  1. Leveling Blocks: Make sure your RV is level by investing in a set of leveling blocks. These blocks will help prevent damage to your rig and provide a comfortable sleeping experience.
  2. Water Pressure Regulator: Protect your RV’s plumbing system by regulating the water pressure from the campground. This item is crucial for maintaining a steady water flow and avoiding leaks or bursts.
  3. Surge Protector: A surge protector is an essential item for any RV owner. It will protect your electrical system from power surges or electrical anomalies at the campground.
  4. Sewer Hose Kit: A reliable sewer hose kit is an essential item for every RV owner. Make sure to choose a durable hose that is long enough to reach the campground’s sewer connection.
  5. RV Toilet Paper: Regular toilet paper can clog your RV’s plumbing system. Invest in RV-specific toilet paper to avoid costly repairs.
  6. Fire Extinguisher: Keep your RV and family safe by investing in a fire extinguisher. Make sure to choose a fire extinguisher that is rated for RV use.
  7. Wheel Chocks: Prevent your RV from rolling or moving while parked by using wheel chocks. These small items can save you from potential damage and provide peace of mind.
  8. GPS Navigator: A GPS navigator is a great tool for RV owners who love to explore. It will help you navigate unfamiliar territory and find campgrounds and attractions along the way.
  9. LED Lights: Upgrade your RV’s lighting system by installing LED lights. These lights use less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs, making them a great investment.
  10. Portable Grill: Enjoy outdoor cooking with a portable grill. Choose a lightweight and compact grill that is easy to transport and set up at your campsite.

In conclusion, these ten essential items will help you get started on your RV adventure. By investing in quality items, you’ll be prepared for any situation and can focus on enjoying the journey. Happy camping!

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