How To have Clean RV Water Supply

Written by Jim & Korin

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Hi today we’re going to talk about something very important that’s the safety of your water system in your RV and we’re going to let you in on a dirty little secret that you’re probably not going to want to hear but it’s going to keep you very safe, and it happens in most campgrounds

Welcome back to our Blog. Today we’re going to talk about our water systems and how to keep yourself safe and healthy while on the road. What you want to start with is your RV manual and look at how do you sanitize your RV water system it usually requires a mixture of chlorine or bleach and water to run through your system and I’ll leave it to you to research what your particular RV manual suggests.

We’re going to let you in on a dirty little secret, the most dangerous part of your water system it’s the water spigot that is in the campground. The water spigot is the dirtiest spot in your water system is it’s subject to the elements both natural and unnatural and I’ve actually seen a dog running up to a spigot and thinking it’s a fire hydrant and doing his business on it. The other thing is right now we’re living in the edge of the desert here in phoenix Arizona and there’s a lot of little rodents and field mice and squirrels that run around and if there’s a dripping pipe, they’ll go start drinking out of it.

The last thing is the people factor we’ve seen people take their black water hose and their sewer hose and just hold it right up to the spigot and start cleaning it out and you really don’t want to get that kind of cross contamination. Use separate hoses keep them separate.

We wash down the spigot with a mixture of bleach and water what we do is we take a rag and a spray bottle and spray it and get all around the inside of the spigot where you’re going to connect your hose. Some people use Lysol we don’t like to do that because it’s chemicals and a lot of the water treatment systems are treated with chlorine or bleach already.

After you cleaned your water system and the spigot, the next item in your water system chain is installing a water pressure regulator.

What the water pressure regulator does is it keeps your water pressure at a steady psi. A lot of campgrounds have high water pressure and what you want to do is make sure that the pressure is regulated and not too high so that your pipes inside your RV don’t fracture or burst because they’re only made out of lightweight plastic and they’re not made to withstand the high pressures of the water system.

The second thing in our chain of water supply is using these white hoses these white hoses are bpa-free and we have it from every step of our water system you’ll see a lot of people use the green hoses that are for gardens while we all drank from them as we were kids, they’re not safe for continued use as we use in full-time RV living.

The next piece in our water system and we just added this is an on-the-go water softener and what the on-the-go water softener does for us is keeps all the minerals and calcium deposits down our RV when we first got it had so much calcification that our water spigots were clogged and some of the shower in the shower didn’t get cold water at all and so we had to have that fixed. I highly recommend a water softener it it’s very easy to use it only takes two of those round containers of Morton salt and we refill it probably every two weeks and get great soft water it’s not a must, but it really will help you where there’s hard water.

The next item in the chain of water filtration is our clear source filter system and they make this in both the two canister and the three-canister filter and what’s great about this is it doesn’t restrict your water flow so you’re still getting good psi going through your coach. We have an additional onboard filter inside the coach which is why we didn’t opt for the three-filter system and it has two stages and then a third stage.

The last piece which I consider the second most important piece of our water system is this Berkey filter. This one is the Berkey traveler model it filters one and a half gallons of water and it runs it through a two-stage filter that’s on the top section and the gravity feeds down to the bottom it’s about enough to fill 20 water bottles a day of water. The filters on the inside will last for six thousand gallons of water so you don’t have to change it that often and you get absolutely crystal-clear water.

To see our water system in action please follow this link to our YouTube Video:

—- Items Discussed in This Article —-

Water Pressure Regulator:

Water Softener:

Clear Source Water Filter:

Berkey Water Filter:

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Our Coach: 2009 Foretravel Nimbus

Our Tow Vehicle: 2016 Jeep Trailhawk


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