Six Important questions to consider before going Full-time in your rv

Written by Jim & Korin

Welcome to our website and thanks for listening to our story. Join us on our journey as we venture into retirement and living full time in our RV traveling the country. We'll tell you how, what and why we are doing this and how you can too.

We came across this post on Facebook the other day and thought they were some of the best questions we’ve seen to date and thought we would respond in a video with our responses as well as provide responses that others provided. We’ll give a brief synopsis in this blog article but for the full transcript we recommend watching the video.

  1. How long have we been Full Time – At the time of this post 7 months?
  2. What would we have done differently knowing what we know now?
    • Before you went full time – This is difficult, we made a plan and changed or evolved the plan, put the plan on hold and then just did it. We would recommend sticking with your plan. We have a saying “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough”!
    • After you went full time – We did a 3 month test the during the summer from June till September to see what it would be like living in the RV, so when we went full time in December there were not surprises and would not have changed anything other than bringing less.
  3. Do you advise selling your house and furnishings? This is very difficult to answer since there are so many variables. Your finances, what type of home market it is where you live, could you lease your home? We put our home on the market for all of 6 hours and took it off because there was so much interest. We then looked into leasing our home and found we could cover the mortgage and all home expenses and still have a very small profit to put away for home repairs. Will we continue to lease our home? As long as our current tenant wants to renew we will and revaluate the situation when our renter decides to leave.
  4. What Rig are your traveling in? We are traveling in a 2009 Foretravel, which is a Class A RV. You can see a tour of it by clicking here. We feel the rig you choose will depend on both budget and how you intend to be full time. Will you be stationary, move twice a year to follow the seasons, move weekly or monthly. Different Rigs lend themselves to different type of travel. We choose a Class A Motor home because we’ll be moving every two to 3 months seeing the USA, the views we have while driving are quite different from being in a pickup or SUV and the comfort level is much greater and we find we can drive longer distances with less fatigue. But that’s us, everyone has different tastes, wants and needs. There isn’t a right or wrong way, other than thinking about the climates you will be staying in and if your rig is suited for that environment.
  5. Are you glad you did it? YES, YES ,YES Right now I can’t imagine going back to a stationary life and routine. We tend to stay 2 to 3 months at each location and find that we become part of the community. Not only the town we are staying in but with others in the RV park community. We make many friends and see them at different spots around the country and even caravan with some. We make friends with varied interest that our paths would not have crossed had we not been traveling in our RV.
  6. What advise would you give to those considering going full time? Watch the video linked above for more detailed answers to these questions. Take an extended trip in your RV for a few months to see if you like the lifestyle. Join full time RV groups on Facebook, there are a lot of people in your same position who are helpful and calming in preparing you for this lifestyle change.

Have Questions – Please leave them in the comments below.

How much does it cost to live full time?

We’ll be doing an upcoming video and blog article to discuss the many ways you can live for free and not Boondock all they way to owning your own luxury lot.

Why Full Time RV Living

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RV Into Retirement DISCLAIMER: Our channel is for entertainment purposes only. We are not RV, Travel or Financial experts. We share our opinions and what has worked and not worked for us. Before taking any action or making a life change decision, you should do your own research.

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